...Doesnt have one, let me know if you come up with one. | Teen Ink

...Doesnt have one, let me know if you come up with one.

December 19, 2012
By TheDemigod BRONZE, Chesterland, Ohio
TheDemigod BRONZE, Chesterland, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nihil Temptatum, Nihil Potitum

"I wish none of this had ever happened" "So do all who see such times, but that is not for them to decide, all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given with you"

If I die 'for tomorrow wakes,
Then let my last thought be of her face.
My thoughts of eyes like falling stars,
A smile that could start a war.
Brunette hair of fairest shades,
The sweetest smell throughout the ages.
With beauty that shocks the world from care,
To other girls it doesn't seem fair.
So should I pass 'fore tomorrow breaks,
And my eternity I do embrace.
I'll stay forever with her in mind,
And to the rest I will stay blind

The author's comments:
I sincerely forgot I had written this. I stumbled across it while looking for another poem I had written

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