The Pleasure of You | Teen Ink

The Pleasure of You

December 20, 2012
By Patricia Tan BRONZE, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Other
Patricia Tan BRONZE, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is the pleasure of a chair
to the walker weary of the way?
What is the beauty of the fair
to the groom on his wedding day?

I say there's more smiling to be had
when I do walk with you
And there's no more reason to be glad
than when you are in view.

And though these things are rare for me,
like a desert-wandering hermit lone,
or a man deprived of all beauty,
I feel the sun, though it's far-shone.

And if I lose some light in nearness,
you are not lessened in your dearness.

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