Wind on a Summer Night | Teen Ink

Wind on a Summer Night

May 31, 2013
By Sires5 BRONZE, Houston, Minnesota
Sires5 BRONZE, Houston, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Feel the breeze come through the window
on a hot and sticky summer night,
It cools your body from head to toe
And would be perfect for flying a kite

You will sleep like a baby
As the wind blows across your skin
You’ll feel like the ocean so nice and wavy
To close the window would be a sin

As you lay in bed you can smell the season
You can even feel it in the air
If you cant fall asleep there should only be one reason
That summer is here and that’s my only care

Hear the wind as it blows through the trees
Knocking off all the bright autumn leaves

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