A Few Truths About Love | Teen Ink

A Few Truths About Love

October 25, 2013
By SSmith SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
SSmith SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love knows not of reason or of logic
It conjures an array of emotions
Love is epic, even when it's tragic
Love's depth can exceed the deepest oceans

Distance can't extinguish the flame of love
Love cannot be created or destroyed
Some think of love as a gift from above
Love isn't something that's always enjoyed

A thoughtless heart can dispatch of your love
Love is often paired with pain and regret
Is love worth the pain that people speak of?
Falling in love comes with no safety net

Love is not always inherently good
And sometimes we can love more than we should

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