A Sonnet to My Food | Teen Ink

A Sonnet to My Food

October 28, 2013
By Anonymous

How should I describe thee?

Thou art so wonderful indeed

Your taste so magnificent you see

One look and I am filled with greed

A smell so good it makes me cry

Oh, why can't this pizza last

I will soon have to say “Good-Bye”

Do not worry food, for my stomach is vast

Coming in on one side and out the other

I sympathize since you can’t move

No, I shall not treat you as a brother

You are food and my parents will not approve.

If I let you be and let you rot, no one will be satisfied

The time has come and I will eat, for this I have apologized

The author's comments:
This poem is about Pizza.
I like my Pizza warm with mushrooms and banana peppers.

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