Helpless | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By Rachel George BRONZE, McComb, Ohio
Rachel George BRONZE, McComb, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your bones stand out like mountains jutting through
the soft, pale earth, sharp edges in contrast.
In urgent need of a future that's new.
“The feel of the blade takes away the past.”
“You'll feel better one day.” … don't catch my bluff.
“There's nothing worth living for,” you insist.
Aren't I? Am I still not reason enough?
My answer came with one look at your wrist.
Your silent screams are not going unheard.
No longer wanting to be here, I know.
Tears streaming down my face, my vision blurred.
Wishing, pleading, crying, “Why?” Please, don't go.
The words that come open another door,
“But darling, I love you. We'll meet once more.”

The author's comments:
My purpose was to describe how helpless it can feel when someone you care about no longer wants to be here and the reassurance that one day you will meet again.

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