My Passion | Teen Ink

My Passion

June 2, 2014
By Breanna Gonzales BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Breanna Gonzales BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’re my passion, the hobby I love too do
You can show me so many points of view
If someone tries to say it’s theirs I’ll sue
I’ll use you to show off my new shoe

I can use you to describe a thousand words
I don’t like to use you when it’s raining
You show the beauty in many kinds of birds
“Take cover” and “cheese” is what people start saying

Sometimes I’m in the mood to use you in nature
I can use you all year round to capture memories
Someday I’ll use you to help capture a glacier
I will take you to places like some jamborees

You weren’t cheap but we had to have you
You seem to like to travel and I do too

The author's comments:
about my love for photography

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