The Discussion | Teen Ink

The Discussion

May 5, 2015
By Lyndz BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Lyndz BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are meant to love others

Yet this world follows its same patterns

Discriminating against those who should be like brothers

Regressing us to a time before lanterns


Problems arise when there's a lack of acknowledgment

It seems that we never learn from the past

We ignore the struggles of others, making us tolerant

And that is why inequality continues to last and last


Now there is rioting in our streets 

Shouts of "Black Lives Matter!" directed towards

Men and women in charge of protecting each of our heart beats

It's grieving that there's a need to cry out these words


The hope in all this is that it doesn't have to be this way 

Lay down your hateful thoughts & words & have something positive to say

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