Disoriented | Teen Ink


May 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Within myself I have no sense of direction 

I constantly look around and strive for attention 

Without you in my life I do not know who I am 

I know I will get better, I know that I can 

I know you are in a better place 

Yet I feel a part of me missing since I last saw your wonderful face

Why did you have to leave so soon? 
I have not stopped thinking about the last time I saw you in June 

You were a blessing to me and showed me so much love 

I always feel you looking down on me from above 

I am disoriented with your physical presence 

You had such an optimistic, comfortable essence 

You still continue to inspire me even though you are away 

I know I will be back in your arms one day 

The author's comments:

I wrote this about my grandfather who passed away a month ago.

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