Crushes (Female View) | Teen Ink

Crushes (Female View)

January 22, 2016
By ArooshaTabb SILVER, New Britain, Connecticut
ArooshaTabb SILVER, New Britain, Connecticut
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"How can humans Judge what is perfect, when the human eye isn't even perfect?" ~ Aroosha Tabb

Crushes ~ Female View

When My Mind Says That I think I Like Him,
I Tend To Believe It’s The Truth And More.
An Illusion Making Me Think, “Like Tim”
Not A Fact And Not Inside Of My Core.
In My Head, I Think, “Will I Cry Or Laugh?”
The end, Will it Be Forever Or For never?
If Never, It Will Feel Like A Fire Bath
If Forever, It will Feel Like A Feather.
Now The Question Stands, Do or Do I Not
Take A Step To That Illusion Today.
Do I Get Nervous, Because He’s So Hot?
Is It That I Think About Him Being Bae?
When Talking To Him Butterflies Come.
When My Face Turns Red it Makes Me Feel Dumb.

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