One Day | Teen Ink

One Day

February 19, 2016
By elik1738 BRONZE, Lunenburg, Massachusetts
elik1738 BRONZE, Lunenburg, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I ponder away day and night through sleep
Not knowing what happens after this day
My mind runs away from fears and then leaps
I don’t know what journey happens today
I run from nightmares that haunt me the most
Not knowing that they’ll never leave my mind
I try to fit in but my life’s a roast
People defining me without a bind
I love everyone but do they love me back
It doesn’t seem like they are even grateful
I wouldn’t know cause love is what they lack
They don’t stop to see the world’s beautiful
Why won’t they stop to see the world’s beauty
I think it’s because they haven’t found love

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