The fault in our stars | Teen Ink

The fault in our stars

October 31, 2018
By michele1015 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
michele1015 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hazel Grace Lancaster was diagnosed with stage IV thyroid cancer when she was thirteen. She met and fell in love with Augusts waters. He was recently cleared for osteosarcoma, which is a rare disease that affects the bones. They share the same love to “An imperial Affection,” a book that is written by Peter Van Houten. They set out to go meet Peter in Amsterdam. Where he breaks some heartbroken news to Hazel that turns both of their lives around.

This story has an incredible plot twist that nobody saw coming.  “You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” (Green). This explains how Augusts did not care that he would be affected when Hazel dies, for she thought she was a grenade and was going to blow up everything in her path. The book is nowhere near the same as the movie, so I personally think that the movie is better since it includes better and more details.

This book is a personal favorite because it shows how people can still love somebody even in the toughest situations. They have shared a feeling of dying. Augustus was not afraid to fall for her, yet he has experienced the pain that she was in. This book does a good job showing clearly the feelings of the characters. “There will come a time.. when all of us are dead. There will be a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything” (Green 12-13). This explains how hazel’s personality is. How she is not afraid to die. This book would have you in tears, with the unexpected ending.

The fault in our stars is an emotional roller-coaster. I suggest this to ages 13 and older so they would understand the decisions and the brutal ending. There are words said that young ages should not read about, which is why I suggest it for 13 and older. If you like romance this is the book for you.  Also, a good book for a boy to understand what it takes to truly love a girl no matter in what situation she/he is.

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