Titles And Authors | Teen Ink

Titles And Authors MAG

By Anonymous

   Directions: Match each book title with its author

1. The Red Badge of Courage

2. So Big

3. Gone With the Wind

4. Great Expectations

5. Gulliver's Travels

6. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea

7. Age of Innocence

8. The Portrait of a Lady

9. To Kill a Mockingbird

10. Arrowsmith

11. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

12. Treasure Island

13. All the King's Men

14. The Old Man and the Sea

A. Robert Penn Warren

B. Robert Lewis Stevenson

C. Arthur Conan Doyle

D. Henry James

E. Edith Wharton

F. Margaret Mitchell

G. Ernest Hemingway

H. Stephen Crane

I. Edna Ferber

J. Harper Lee

K. Charles Dickens

L. Jules Verne

M. Sinclair Lewis

N. Jonathan Swift

Answers: 1-H, 2-I, 3-F, 4-K, 5-N, 6-L, 7-E, 8-D, 9-J, 10-M, 11-C, 12-B, 13-A, 15-G


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i love this !