Eric | Teen Ink

Eric MAG

By Anonymous

   "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested"- Bacon's Essays Of Studies

Rare. Riveting. Unforgettable. These words exactly describe what it was like to read the non-fiction biography Eric. This book was the story of Eric Lund's fight for life told by his affectionate mother, Doris Lund, who experienced Eric's struggle with him all the way to the end. The non-fiction biography Eric, by Doris Lund, leaves its readers spellbound.

When Eric Lund was seventeen, he was informed about the disease that was trying to seize his life. It was leukemia. No one could believe that this was happening to Eric. Everyone was shocked. "But I saw his face change. I think it changed forever in that moment." This disease did not only affect Eric, it affected everyone who knew him, even his apathetic father. Eric was the ideal young man- a prestigious athlete, an energetic youth, loved by everyone who knew him, and an overall superb seventeen year old. You may be wondering how Eric became so sick. Well, there was no answer to how Eric developed leukemia, nor was there a cure for this deadly disease. This did not phase Eric. Even when the odds were not good, he had hope and faith that he could beat them. Eric had confidence that he could survive. He was determined and strong. "ACome take me if you can,' he seemed to be saying. AI'm alive, alive, goddammit!'" Eric was alive and there was no way that he was going to give in to death easily. Eric was a sponge. No matter what way he was pushed, poked or pulled by the disease, he snapped back into the Eric he perpetually was. "Eric went out each day trying to find his way back to the world. He ran the beaches. He plunged again and again into the surf." Eric rejected death and chose to live.

Eric is in a class of its own. It would be almost degrading to compare it to any other biography. Nevertheless, it did remind me of the movie Love Story, narrated by the husband of a young woman who died of cancer. Both of these biographies involved the lives of strong, optimistic people who were stricken with deadly diseases. These two people chose life over death and they refused to give up without a long, arduous fight. However, Eric left a greater imprint on me. I wonder if I'll get as much out of life as Eric did. This biography taught me about courage and it inspired me to live my life to its fullest. Eric will take your breath away and make you cry as you have never cried before. Don't pass this book by. I REPEAT, DON'T PASS THIS BOOK BY. It is the best of the best, the cream of the crop and the cherry on a hot fudge sundae.

The biography Eric is a first kiss: one will never forget it, NEVER


This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

on Aug. 28 2010 at 4:08 pm
IsobelFree DIAMOND, Hamilton, Other
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Favorite Quote:
"As long as there is open road, the familiar has the most formidable competitor." - Anonymous

Good biography! I'll definitely check this out. Your description actually reminded me of the movie A Walk To Remember, based on the Nicholas Sparks novel - do you know it? If you haven't watched it, it's a great movie, about a young man who finds out his love has leukemia. It's beautiful, and it sounds like "Eric" is too, so i'll go order it from the library :)