Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa | Teen Ink

Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

October 6, 2010
By gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
gbubookreviews PLATINUM, Palmyra, Pennsylvania
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we left Meghan at the end of The Iron King, she had just defeated Machina, the ruling Iron King and was headed back to Tir Na Nog, the kingdom of the Winter Court. As Meghan’s story continues, she has been at the Winter Court, bored out of her mind for several months and when she is called upon by the icy Queen Mab, she is only called a liar and accused of turning her son, Ash, against her. As it seems her life can’t get any worse, Ash does something to utterly crush her. Then when someone attacks the Winter Court and an important artifact is stolen from both the Seelie and Unseelie an all out war breaks out between the two. It is left to Meghan and her friends both new and old to save all of Nevernever or risk all that she holds most dear to vanish into thin air.

The Good: Kagawa did it yet again her beautiful active writing sparked yet another hit. We see lots of snarky comments from Puck and well a large lack of emotion from Ash. Though we do see a totally new side of Ash in The Iron Daughter. We also meet an array of new characters that provide new adventures. Kagawa has a great attention to detail which really caught my eye. A little hint of Romeo and Juliet in the beginning makes the romance a prominent part of the story. Overall, The Iron Daughter was a continuation of the series and had my favorite ending, no huge cliffhangers but a decent amount of unanswered questions to keep it interesting.

The Bad: The Iron Daughter was not very consistant the beginning had many long descriptions that made it hard to really get into the book but in the middle it lacked in descriptions. It was a little slow towards the middle that made it hard to continue through but overall it was satisfying and definitely not a waste of time.


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