Fallen by Lauren Kate | Teen Ink

Fallen by Lauren Kate

January 13, 2012
By NatalieMc GOLD, Dennison, Minnesota
NatalieMc GOLD, Dennison, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
Lanston Hughes

Fallen by Lauren Kate

“What if the person you were meant to be with could never be yours?” A quote by Lauren Kate, the author of Fallen. Fallen is one of those books to me that once you start reading it you cant stop reading.

The book started at the Sword & Cross Boarding School, in Savannah, Georgia. It’s a school were most of the kids are screw ups. They have security cameras and they watch every movement you make. You can’t not have a cellphone they are forbidden. This is were Luce first meets Daniel.

Luce can see dark shadows no one else can see. She has lived in many different life times and in different places. She only lives until she is 17 years old. Daniel is a angel, an fallen angel.He can never die, cause he is a fallen angel and like a quote from Lauren Kate “Love never dies.” He is the one Luce always falls in love with at the end of every life time. “The good news”--he paused, carefully choosing his words--”I kissed you and you are still here.” a quote from Lauren Kate.

“Loneliness in a crowd of people was the worst of loneliness, but he couldn't help it.” A quote by Lauren Kate. Where ever they are, they will always find each other. Every life time in any country they are in.

“How many lives do you need to live, before you can find someone worth dying for?” A another quote by the author of Fallen. “The only way to survive eternity is to be able to appreciate each moment.”


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