The Kind of Friends We Used to Be-Frances O'Roark Dowell | Teen Ink

The Kind of Friends We Used to Be-Frances O'Roark Dowell

June 5, 2012
By kellywentworth BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
kellywentworth BRONZE, Alton, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You think friends will be together forever, but it mostly doesn’t go down like that. Kate and Marylin are best friends forever until they grow apart over the last year.
Kate wants to learn how to play the guitar. Marylin on the other hand is running for student body president and how is really popular. Marylin and Kate are two completely different people. Marylin has a get together going back to school from summer vacation and she doesn’t invite Kate and that does not fly with Kate.

The author’s format takes you in the book like you are Kate or Marylin. The author is talking about two twelve years-old girls, their friendship, and how people change and then grow apart.

I really was hooked into this book because I love music just like Kate. I would like to learn how to play the guitar. I would recommend this to anyone that has a best friend because every friendship has its ups and downs. And for anyone that is like Kate or Marylin.


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