The Giver by Louis Lowry | Teen Ink

The Giver by Louis Lowry

April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

The Giver

The Giver was a good story but it was poorly written. The time wasn’t even at most points of the book. The characters weren’t very well thought out and dialoged was choppy. I wouldn’t recommend The Giver to anyone.

The story wasn’t planned about enough to give the reader a mental picture of the scenario playing out at any given time. The main character, Jonas, was the only character I fully pictured and understood. I can honestly say that even though the Giver was a huge part of the story I didn’t take much away from the description. Jonas’ friends weren’t well pictured either even though they played a large part in the story line. I just wish the larger or main parts were better depicted.

The dialoged was uninteresting. You wouldn’t be able to just read the dialoged without reading back into the story line. I know that the people in the story had different vocabulary but it’s still hard to follow if you don’t pay close attention. The dialogue didn’t fit the story.

The ending was completely unsatisfying. The book ended with a cliff hanger that could make anyone unhappy. You couldn’t tell if they lived or died. You had to go with whatever you thought. Even if the writer was trying to let you finish the story on your own, there was nothing to go off of.

In The Giver, the characters weren’t described well. I found the dialogue hard to follow and disintruiging. The ending was awful and unsatisfying. I wouldn’t recommend The Giver to anyone. In all I didn’t take much from The Giver.


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