Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes | Teen Ink

Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Eric Calhoune is a senior in high school, His life has changed ever since he became friends with Sarah Byrnes. She has changed his life forever.
They've known each other since grade school, but they become friends in the 8th grade. Before they become friends Eric is a “chunky” boy, and Sarah Byrnes has a burned face, when people see her they just want to look away. They become good friends because of their common diffrences between everyone else.
Eric is part of the swim team when he enters high school. Everything is going okay until senior year, Sarah goes through a bad disease. At some point in the story Eric has to risk his life. If you like suspense,love,loyalty, you will like this book “Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes” by Chris Crutcher.


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