The Cartel by Ashley and JaQuavis | Teen Ink

The Cartel by Ashley and JaQuavis

January 25, 2017
By lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tupac Shakur-i think i'm a natural born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if its authority that I respect.

Drake- i was born to make mistakes not to fake perfection.

This book took place in miami about a rich family. recommend the cartel because it has a lot of drama and life learning lessons and a lot of killing and family betrayal from the diamond family. If you read the murderville than i would recommend you read the cartel.

In the beginning of the cartel they had a war with the haitian that put the whole family in danger. In the middle of the war the dad got killed for being head of the cartel and running a drug operation in miami. The haitian leader Ma’tee pretended to be a police officer and killed him with his wife and daughter in the car .Taryn found out the carter had a older son that was 25 and told him that his father died and he needed to attend so he can meet his father for the first time.The day they had Carter Diamond funeral Ma’tee sent more of his haitian goons to kill anybody moving or in their way. That's when they introduced young carter to his brothers and sister.carter didnt really have a relationship with this his father because his father left before he was born.

The main character in the cartel is young carter the son of diamond carter. Young carter was cater diamond first born. When carter died young carter took over the carter in his father possession. When carter took over the cartel business started slowing down because they lost all of their connects when the others found out that the cartel was in war with ma’tee. 


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