;House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

;House on Mango Street

December 11, 2017
By essay BRONZE, Covina, California
essay BRONZE, Covina, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The house on mango street is a story that talks about how a family living in poverty get to follow their dreams they live in a famous street called mango street where everything happens.  i would recomend to read this book because its a fun inspiritional family book about a family making

 it out of the stuggle although theres a special girl called esperanza shes a girl that is vanished of her name and the meaning of what her name means , doesn't describe herself and expresses a negativity meaning that made her hate her name. in my opinion i think this was a really good story the author gaved good details connecting with the readers.


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