Deadpool 2 | Teen Ink

Deadpool 2

March 18, 2019
By cconlin BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
cconlin BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On its first day in theaters, the movie Deadpool 2 earned 53 million dollars, which broke the record for rated “r” movies on opening day (Mendelson).  This also ranks second among all movies regardless of ratings, and for good reason. Deadpool 2 is one of marvel’s best movies, yet it isn’t even a true superhero movie. Although the plot alone can be described as sad and gloomy, the humor sprinkled in makes for a more upbeat film. The movie takes comic relief to another level, so much that the film can be considered a comedy with a lot of action thrown in there. Deadpool 2 is a great movie because of the excellent lead actor, hilarious comic relief, and the groundbreaking CGI action scenes.

The first thing that makes Deadpool 2 an excellent movie is the lead actor, Ryan Reynolds. There is no better man to play the role of Deadpool than Ryan Reynolds. Before the Deadpool movies he had already established himself as an incredible actor, but his personality makes him the best candidate for the Deadpool character. He was a major fan of the Deadpool character from Marvel’s comics and was one of the main guys pushing the filming of the first Deadpool movie. Reynolds vision for the character played a part in his incredible performance in the movie. His sarcastic sense of humor blends perfectly with the Deadpool character. Reynolds was the best choice for the character of Deadpool, and the film is great because of him.

The next incredible aspect of this movie is the comic relief added throughout the entire film. As mentioned earlier, the fact that Ryan Reynolds plays the character of Deadpool plays a big part in the humor of this movie. He can and did find a way to turn nearly every situation into a joke. But the humor doesn’t stop just at Deadpool, there are plenty of other characters introduced to the movie purely for comedic purposes. The best example of this is the introduction of the character named Peter. Peter does not have any superpowers; however, his presence in the movie is legendary for comedic purposes because of the situation he is in. Deadpool 2’s endless comical scenes appeal to a vast array of movie fans.

Finally, Deadpool 2’s action scenes still give the movie that superhero feel. The producers gained a nice balance between comedy and action. The major key to the movie’s success in the action department is the CGI. CGI is computer generated imagery; Deadpool 2 uses this to create characters of unbelievable strength and appearance. Two great examples of CGI used in Deadpool are Colossus and the Juggernaut. The two characters are massive, and the producers of Deadpool use them to showcase incredible feats of strength in the action scenes. These two CGI characters make for insane action content in Deadpool 2.

Overall, Deadpool 2’s combination of a great lead actor in Ryan Reynolds, brilliant comic relief, and action-packed scenes makes it one of my favorite movies of all time. Reynold’s role as Deadpool tremendously improves the quality of the movie. Next, because the movie incorporates so much humor, a much wider audience than most Superhero movies could be a fan of Deadpool 2. Lastly, the nonstop CGI action moments keep the viewer glued to the screen. For these reasons, Deadpool 2 is one of the greatest movies ever filmed.


Works Cited

Mendelson, Scott. Box Office: 'Deadpool 2' Sets New Opening Weekend Record For Comedy Sequels. Forbes, Forbes Media, 2019.

The author's comments:

This is my review of the fantastic movie, Deadpool 2.

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