Dear John | Teen Ink

Dear John MAG

April 27, 2010
By Jennifer Alaniz BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jennifer Alaniz BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is no better movie to watch on a date than the 2010 “Dear John.” Like many love stories, guy meets girl, and they fall in love until a tragedy separates them. But “Dear John” adds its own twist with a special ending that most will not expect in a love film. Director Lasse Hallstrom offers compassion, devotion, appreciation, affection, calamity, and heartbreak.

The movie begins with ­college student Savannah (Amanda Seyfried), who welcomes a young soldier, John (Channing Tatum), to her home for a barbecue. It is spring break, two weeks before she returns to school and he goes back on deployment. During this short time, they fall madly in love and make a promise to wait for each other. When spring break ends, the two lovebirds are forced to say goodbye. During their time apart, they write letters describing their lives and how they miss each other.

To me, “Dear John” does a good job showing that the strongest love can also be ­complicated. It can easily be ruined if one stops believing and loses faith.

Of all of the romantic love movies I have seen, this is by far the best. It has received ­excellent results at the box ­office, knocking “Avatar” out of its number one spot. So next time you're on a date, celebrating an anniversary, or just with the one who matters most to you, see “Dear John;” it is the perfect movie to watch.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 9 2011 at 9:49 pm
sarah4president SILVER, Santa Clara, California
6 articles 5 photos 13 comments

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i recently purchased the movie Dear John. it was after i read the book. i have to say that the movie was good but not half as good as the book. if you liked the movie, you wil definitely LOVE the book!

dule05 BRONZE said...
on Aug. 27 2010 at 5:31 am
dule05 BRONZE, Kraljevo, Other
1 article 1 photo 102 comments
I saw 'Dear John' and I must say I prefered the movie trailer than the movie itself. I don't agree with you that it is one of the best romantic movies, it can never be compared to Titanic for example, but it was good. When Savannah married that guy and suddenly stopped writing, it was a bit unnatural and a turn off for me.