Beauty and the Beast Diamond Edition | Teen Ink

Beauty and the Beast Diamond Edition

October 14, 2010
By Nancy Luevano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Nancy Luevano BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From enchanting tea cups, to the fearful beast, the classical fairytale Beauty and the Beast, is a magical production for anyone to see. The beautiful Bella (voiced by Paige O’ Hara) in her unforgettable beautiful golden dress is forced to live her life next to the beast (voiced by Robby Benson) in an enchanting castle. In her journey through time she discovers that the beast is not as bad as he pretends to be, and that her dreams can come true. With a different day comes a new adventure for her and her fascinating friends from a singing tea cup to a talking candle light anything can happen. The message this movie gives is do not judged a book by its cover; when the cover can be very nice and not what it pretend to be. This fairytale is not like most fairytales it can be watched with family, younger siblings, or anyone who is up for a good movie with laughs, sadness, or a romantic ending. The classical fairytale came out in an all new diamond edition on October 5, 2010. The diamond edition includes a lot of bonus extras including a new music video by Jordan sparks. The diamond edition is a limited edition that is only coming out once. I personally give it five out of five stars for all it has to offer.

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