Grown Ups | Teen Ink

Grown Ups

March 21, 2011
By Anonymous

There were many high hopes for the movie Grown Ups. With the all-star cast of Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Kevin James, Rob Schneider, and many more talented and comical actors, the movie had very high potential. To sum up my attitude towards the film in two words it would be; very disappointing. The movie begins with the main characters as kids and as best friends playing basketball. As the movie continues they grow up and the viewer sees the different characters lives as a grown up. After they hear that their coach had died and they were all going to attend the funeral, they see it as an opportunity to reconnect old friendships at a cabin that they used to go to as children. The rest of the movie has a display of outrageous circumstances that the different characters go through to show their age and how they are unable to do the same things they once could. By the end of the movie they scrap the idea of making an ironic comedy and begin to make it a movie that teaches the viewer a lesson that nobody could really care less about. I feel like the only thing that was worse than the poor plot was the lack of a script. It appeared that the actors all were unscripted and were just joking around as friends the entire movie. This created an atmosphere of jokes that don’t land how they should land and times of unnecessary comedy and also awkward interactions between the characters. Overall the movie had a wonderful cast that was just under scripted and poorly planned out. I do not recommend this movie unless you are looking for an ironic poorly scripted comedy with big name washed up actors.

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