Toy Story | Teen Ink

Toy Story

April 21, 2013
By mike erickson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
mike erickson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Toy Story

Looking for a movie that will entertain people of all ages? The movie “Toy Story” will satisfy your needs. “Toy Story is a great kids movie that plays Buzz and Woody for the children, but also has some action and adventure for the older kids.

In this movie, Woody is Andy’s favorite toy. But when Andy gets Buzz Light Year for his birthday, Buzz becomes the favorite. Woody gets very jealous and tries his hardest to get rid of Buzz. But when Andy moves to a different neighborhood, both their lives become in danger.

All actors did a great job in “Toy Story”. They voiced their characters perfect to the animated figures’ personalities. For example, Tom Hanks did a great job playing Woody’s jealous character. Also, Tim Allen’s voice really made me believe that Buzz actually thinks he is a space commander. Overall, the actors in “Toy Story” did a very good job.

I really liked this movie. I liked the way it went from action to humor, but always keeping the viewers in a good mood. It relates to problems that all viewers have in their everyday life. Also, I love the way that Woody and Buzz were enemies in the beginning, but become best friends in the end.

There were many morals in this movie, but the one that really stood out to me was the jealousy of Woody. The lesson here is that you should never be jealous, just be grateful of the things you have. Woody has a lot of toy friends, but he gets so jealous of Buzz that his friends start to like Buzz better.

People of ages 3 to 16 would enjoy this movie. It is related to toys for the younger children, but has some humor and adventure for older kids too. This movie should be rated G or PG. On a 1-10 scale, I would give this movie a 8. Overall, this movie was very good.

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