"Billy Madison" | Teen Ink

"Billy Madison"

May 14, 2013
By Schroeder1998 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Schroeder1998 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Everyone jokes about failing all their classes, but there is very few who actually do that. Billy Madison is a comedy that has a very important understory. Everyone who has heard or seen the movie knows it about a millionaire father with a dumb son, But the son has to go back to high school and pass all this classes in order to inherit his fathers company. The three main points are the following: having a rich father, why its bad to cheat, and bullying. Everyone thinks about the topic having a rich father but I Looked at the subtopic bullying and cheating. Bullying and cheating aren’t jokes but the makers of the movie made it funny so every day people can relate to it.
First is the point every one thinks of when they talk about Billy Madison (Adom Sanker) having a rich father. Having a rich father or a rich guardian can be good or it can be bad. It can be good because it makes you want to work hard to become successful like they did. On the flip side it could be bad because you are given every thing and you don't need to work at all. The truth is that it is up to the parent to decide if the child takes the wealth in a good way or a bad way. if you have money it could make them think that you can just pay people to do thing for you like your home work.
Cheating is the second point I found in the movie Its not emphasized as much as the other points are but its still there. The place I found it the most was at the fathers lunch meeting at the beginning of the movie. At this meeting one of billy's fathers employees say that billy didn’t graduate from high school, his father just paid the teacher off. The employee says that billy has to graduate from high school on his own. He has two weeks to compleat each grade first through twelfth. That tells me that if I cheat on a test or homework I will just pay for it later. That is why I think they put a hint that cheating is bad in the movie. If you cheat could get better grades which makes you think that you are better than everyone els.

When you think you are better than other people then you can become a bully. some one who picks on other people for not being as good as you. so when you have rich parents or cheat that just gives you more to pick on others about. In BIlly Madison when he goes back to school he is the one getting picked on because everyone knew that his father paid his way through high school the first time.So if you deside to cheat and bulliy then you better be abel to take it back when people find out your secret, And dont think people wont find out your secret because they will it might take them a wile but they will find it out evnchualy.
"Billy Madison" is a great comedy that can be taken in a deeper meaning or just watched for lafs either way you will like this movie. Bullying, Cheating, and Having rich parent aren’t things you should use to your advantage. because when you do you will know exactly how Billy felt when he went back to school. “dumb.”

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