Uptown Girls | Teen Ink

Uptown Girls MAG

By Anonymous

     Anyone who wants to watch a funny, yet charming and inspirational movie about life and relationships should see "Uptown Girls."

Molly (the talented Brittany Murphy) is the daughter of a late legendary rock star who lives like a spoiled princess. The 22-year-old is not sure what she wants in life, and spends her days partying with friends.

We see a darker side of Molly's carefree life when the guy managing her finances disappears. She doesn't know how to deal with this. To make matters worse, she tries to get a rock singer, Neal (Jesse Spencer), to date her, but he distances himself from her.

Molly shares living space with her friends, and eventually gets a job as a nanny for Ray (played by the cute, charming Dakota Fanning). Eight-year-old Ray, a very organized, concerned young girl living the life of an adult, is the total opposite of Molly. She is emotionally scarred because her father has been left a vegetable after a stroke, and her busy mother pays little attention to her. Although she doesn't voice it, her actions reveal that she longs for a good relationship with someone, and that person is Molly.

"Uptown Girls" is a fun, free-spirited movie that shows a different side of a fairy-tale life. I recommend it to teen girls, but anyone who watches this movie will discover a bit more about life, and learn to take advantage of precious moments.


This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

starboy BRONZE said...
on May. 19 2010 at 12:18 pm
starboy BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 8 comments
i like this movie but it was sad when briteny murphy died