Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 21, 2013
By ILoveMyMommy BRONZE, KEAʻAU, Hawaii
ILoveMyMommy BRONZE, KEAʻAU, Hawaii
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Favorite Quote:
Come whenever you like ahh boo -Coach Kaha

Ender’s Game, a very interesting story about a young boy who is selected to be in an army to try to save the world. The movie however spread far away from the book in their storylines. The movie had most of the events but in an order that made sense and made it be faster. The movie is better than the book because it is shorter and books are boring.

Ender Andrew Wiggin goes to battle school. He is one of the elite few that can go there. He got put in after he beat up a bully named Stilson who attacked him. Stilson died. But because Ender did well without any adult protection they put him in battle school. In battle school he is bumped up to Salamander army from his launch group. In the movie that is where he meets Petra. Petra teaches him how to shoot and stuff. When Ender gets his own army his friends Bean and Alai are in it but only in the movie, in the book he is given a bunch of junk people but Bean is one of them. He transforms them in to the best team. In the movie Petra is put into their army. When they play the salamander army, they beat them. Bonzo is pissed off. He is the mean leader of the salamander army. He goes to fight Ender in the shower. Ender fights him off but accidently kills him. He goes home and comes back because he is mad. He comes back and he is put in to simulators with his teacher Mazer Rackham, who previously saved the world. On the final simulator Ender and his friends are put on a super hard difficulty thing. And destroy the planet. But Ender is alerted that one was the real planet, and if they told him he would not have done it because he is too peaceful. He finds out the buggers were trying to communicate and that they should not have murdered them. So he takes the baby and will restart the buggers somewhere. Him and Valentine also move to the planet to study and escape peter their mean butt brother. The end.

The movie was way better than the book. It was easier to follow and made more sense. The movie is also easier if you don’t need to think. I think that if you want to do something you should watch the movie. The movie is not a waste of time that’s why. Also the movie is better because you can physically see what is happening. The movie is usually always better than the book in most cases because the movie is less complex. Last Ender in the movie is better because he is older. Ender acts the part better in the movie. Like if you read the book and then read the movie, in the book you would think Ender is like a super freaky smart little kid but in the book he is like a very sophisticated kid. He is like I think 13 or something in the movie. In real life the actor who plays him is older. I saw it on the Internet. In conclusion of this paragraph you will want to see the movie more than the book. The movie is just way quicker and it is less time consuming for nothing. The book is really long and it doesn’t make much sense. The movie is pretty much the same thing and it is better. Like now people just read books for school like there is no point of books if you can learn stuff from other stuff. Baseline, don't read the book watch the movie if you enjoy space war and little kids.

The author's comments:
Dis is da best author is handsom

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