Ender?s Game | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game

November 22, 2013
By Salmeron Hera BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Salmeron Hera BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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xThe book Ender’s Game and the movie were similar but totally different at the same time. As they do when they make books into movies they had to cut parts of the book out so that they don’t have a 6 hour long movie. They changed things in the movie so that they were able to leave in the more important parts in there. They changes settings in the movie and they obviously had to age the character up because what 6 year old in real life can do all of the things that Ender did. From the start of the movie they changed things up quite a bit. When Ender beat up Stilson he beat him up in a classroom were as in the book they were outside when everything happened. Many changes occurred in the movie but I think that in the end it came out better than I expected it to be.

In the movie Andrew “Ender” Wiggins is played by Asa Butterfield a British actor. He acted in a few other movies like Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Hugo and now Enders Game. I feel that he played a good Ender. He played Ender and had the emotional side that Ender had and the toughness that he also had inside of him. To me I feel that Ender should have been more vulnerable like he was in the book. In the movie he was a little tougher and he wasn’t as hard to his army as he was in the book. I the book Ender was strict with his army they had training everyday and a battle which drained his whole army. In the end, to me I feel that the actor did a good job playing Ender and he embodied Ender.

Hailee Steinfeld played Petra Arkanian in the movie. In the movie they made Petra look more like a girl than one of the guys. In the book Petra was one of the guys and she was one of the best people in her army. I liked the way that they portrayed Enders relationship with Petra. She was one of the few people who were friend with Ender. I feel that Petra was played with this tougher side when she was with the other guys. But when she was with Ender and she had a different way with him almost because they were relatable. Petra in the movie was more of a girl than in the book. In the book Petra had short hair and she was more of a Tomboy. Overall, I think that Petra was played well and I don’t think there could have been a better actor to portray Petra Arkanian.

The 14-year-old Aramis Knight acted as Bean in the Ender’s Game movie. In the book Bean was one of the youngest guys on Enders army and he gave Ender the hardest time because he felt that he was the best. In the movie Bean was also like that but he had more respect for Ender than in the book. Bean was like Ender in a way and he went to Battle school at a young age and he thought like Ender. Bean wasn’t as good as Ender was but Bean was a great strategist. In the movie Ender and Bean got along right away, where as in the book they had a rough start. I feel that Bean was played well and I enjoyed watching the actor portray their view as Bean. In the end I don’t think that anyone could have played a better Bean.

In the book Bonzo Madris was Enders first army leader. Moises Arias was the actor who stared as Bonzo. In the book I imagined Bonzo as a big tough guy and he would be bigger than Ender. But in the movie he was still tough but he was shorter and smaller than Ender. To me it was kind of hard to take seriously with Bonzo being smaller than Ender and having him yell and give Ender orders. Bonzo was well acted out and he did well embodying Bonzo. That was a good choice for and actor but if he were a little taller he would have been perfect.

I thought that this was a great movie. The movie ended up being better than I thought it would have been. I think that if there was a little more of the action scene and they didn’t rush lots of the other parts it could have been even better. I felt that the actors did well to take on the roles that the characters had much of a big responsibility. In the end I enjoyed the book and the movie. They were both enjoyable and I like watching the movie to see other peoples perceptive on the book. I feel like seeing different perceptions on the book is refreshing for me. I like the changes they made but hope they kept some things in there.

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