Review of Circles by Mac Miller | Teen Ink

Review of Circles by Mac Miller

April 29, 2024
By clailer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
clailer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Circles released in 2020 by Mac Miller was a posthumous album after Mac died of an overdose in late 2018 at the young age of 26. His death occurred shortly after his most popular album Swimming was released. The sudden death shocked fans around the world. But Circles calmed the anxiety of many listeners and showed how his legacy will live on. 

Consisting of 12 songs and a duration of 48 minutes, Circles is a slow and well-thought-out piece of art. It features a slower and softer style that  Miller has used in recent years.  There is raw emotion in the tracks. Miller describes his struggles and makes connections with the audience. 

As you first dive in you are immersed in a song titled “Circles”. This is one of the best album starters I have listened to. It sends chills down my spine, the lyricism and the production is exceptional. The song describes how Mac feels like he’s in a circle of hardship; but, Mac encourages the audience that everything will be okay: “And I cannot be changed, I cannot be changed, no…Trust me, I've tried…I just end up right at the start of the line…Drawin' circles.” Then Mac sings more supportive lyrics, “Don't you put any more stress on yourself…It's one day at a time” Mac tries to reach the listener and show his optimism. This song is the kickstarter for the exceptional album to follow. 

The 4th song titled “Good News” is another angelic song. The intro guitar surrounds the listener and brings joy…Mac's lyrics bring the opposite. Mac describes his struggles with depression and drug addiction: “I spent the whole day in my head. Do a little spring cleaning, I’m always too busy dreaming.” This hits home with a lot of listeners. One of the most heartbreaking verses of the whole album is, “Why can’t it just be easy? Why does everybody need me to stay?” This song illustrates the struggles with depression and connects with many listeners; making this song one of the best songs on the album. 

My favorite track is named “Everybody”. The song is slow but uplifting, as Mac sings with an excellent tone and flow. The meaning of the song is meant to portray the idea that everyone will die, but we must find the happiness and joy in life. Life is about finding the little joys in everything and Mac does an excellent job of portraying this. 

With this being said, Circles is a revolutionary piece of art that is one of my favorite albums. It is not just the vocals or the production, but also the underlying message of every song that hits home with listeners. Mac Miller created another masterpiece contributing to his excellent discography. 

The author's comments:

I reviewed this album because it has been one of my favorite albums for a while. I have listened to Mac Miller for a while and when we did a review piece I couldn't resist!

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