Vienna Waits For You | Teen Ink

Vienna Waits For You

June 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In the realm of music, poetry finds a unique home where it lingers with melodies. Billy Joel's "Vienna" is a testament to this idea of a seamless blend between mere words and music. Although the lyrics may seem overly simple at first glance, every word of this song is a reflection of life's journey.

Billy grew up in a house filled with tunes by Beethoven and Chopin, as a result of his pianist father's passion for classical music. He, however, soon lost touch with his father when his parents separated and the latter moved back to Vienna, Austria. When Billy finally visited his father after nearly 15 years, Vienna (Austria) felt like home more than anything else. He was pleasantly struck by the charmingly slow-paced lifestyle of the city as compared to his quick-paced life in the United States. The first line of the song, "Slow down, you crazy child", reflects the idea that one should slow down and savour the simple joys of life without any rush. The word "child" also expands on the message that we have our whole lives ahead of us. On staying in Europe, Billy saw in Vienna the involvement of older people in the community, as opposed to the American idea of putting them in old age homes and as Billy quotes, "kicking them under the rug". This is when he first thought of the words, "Vienna waits for you". It is a gentle reminder that our life is waiting for us ahead, as well as a light critique on people who often overlook the simple pleasures of life. Billy inherently believes that those with a burning passion dream of a bigger and better life and often throw their lives away in the process. They are oblivious to life's little treasures and fail to cherish them. Hence, the line, "only fools are satisfied", which evidently speaks more than it lets on. 

As the final notes of the song fade away, it gives us a gentle nudge towards slower, simpler living. This ageless song continues to be more than just a song, but poetry in itself. It is a reminder to enjoy the ride, and that wherever you may be, Vienna waits for you.

The author's comments:

I've always had a deep rooted connection to this song :)

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