Designated Survivor Review | Teen Ink

Designated Survivor Review

January 24, 2022
By rmoroz24 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
rmoroz24 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“We’re not defined by our difficulties. We’re defined by how we respond to them.”  This is what Tom Kirkman, the main character in the season 1 of Designated Survivor,  by David Guggenheim, said.  This show presents the tragic event where an innocent cabinet member is forced into office after the entire Congress building blew up.  Inside the building were the president, and all of the most qualified senators were killed leaving Tom Kirkman the new leader of America.  With the country in his hands, President Kirkman has to fight through adversity and struggles in order to satisfy his nation and rebuild what had been destroyed.  This thriller has a nonstop connection with the viewer’s emotions.  This thriller shows just how hard it really is to be the president, and how it takes a toll on them and their family.  Designated Survivor is a movie that portrays realistic examples of political struggle as president and makes connections with the audience like no other.

Tom Kirkman was just the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development when disaster struck.  He was sitting in his bedroom at the time with his wife and kids when the secret service stormed in saying that he is the designated survivor and that he was the new president of the United States.  While he is being initiated, he learns that there was an act of terror as the president’s State of the Union address which ended in an explosion causing every congress member and the president to be killed instantly.  Kirkman starts off unsuccessful, disappointing his government and disappointing America.  Although he himself doesn’t even want to be president, he pushes through and is able to slowly restore America.  This season shows a very realistic life as the president of the United States, surrounded by different people telling you what you are supposed to do.  President Kirkman can no longer make any more mistakes for America’s sake. Although he starts off rough being called unfit to be president, nevertheless, he is able to restore the country. 

The show also portrays an emotional connection with the audience.  Not only mourning or joy, but the actors are able to keep the viewer guessing on how the attack was planned and who still was involved.  The visual aspect of the show is also astonishing.  Towards the end of the season, a solo FBI agent finds an entire group of people that supported the attack on Washington and helped out.  Among these people were very important politicians that could not be caught.  Although she gathers all of this information, they find her and the non-stop energy and gunfire is very realistic.  The real bullets and crazy fighting is why Designated Survivor won the People's Choice Awards in 2017.  

Designated Survivor shows realistic examples of different problems politicians go through every day just to lead their country. It has an unreal emotional connection with the audience.  The visual effects such as when an FBI agent was trying to flee a group of terrorists or when the Congress building was bombed were on point.  The emotional connection such as when the president found out about the bombing and when the entire country mourned the death of the former president grabs your emotions.  10 out of 10, this first season is amazing and is definitely worth a watch.  

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Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 10 2022 at 7:38 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

I love how this is written... You know how to convince people. 5/5!