Bulb Boy review | Teen Ink

Bulb Boy review

November 21, 2019
By TaylorSantiago16 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
TaylorSantiago16 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bulb Boy is a adventure/ puzzle with horror elements mixed in as well. The game was created and published by bulbware and is available on xbox, ps4, switch, mobile and pc. The price of the game on consoles is 9 dollars and is 2 dollars on mobile. The game is about monsters taking over the house and kidnapping Bulb Boys family. The main character Bulb Boy has to go confront and defeat the monsters in order to save his family. Throughout the game you will experience flashbacks about Bulb and his family that give you hints about the obstacles you will soon face. I played this game on the nintendo switch

The game is single player only and is rated t+. The game difficulty can be a little tough at times first but nothing too difficult. Anyone could beat this without to many issues, Especially after completing the game once. Everytime you quit the game, the game will save and leave off the last place you were. The game is pretty short ranging from 2-3 hours and it doesn't have the greatest replay value in the world. The controls are really good, nothing feels awful and is super responsive. 

One of the best things about bulb boy is the art style. All the character designs are great and so is the environment. The game usually stays dark most of the time which matches the tone this game is trying to present. The animations and facial expressions in the game are also great which is a really good thing for this game because there is not a single piece of dialogue in this game. This is not a bad thing though because the animations do wonderful job showing how the character feels about his current situation.

While there are many great things about this game there are definitely a few flaws. One flaw for some could be the length of the game. I personally didn't mind the game length but it could definitely see people having a problem with it. Another flaw is some tasks in the game can be pretty tedious like for example there was a level where you had to deal with a bunch of worms by letting another creature eat them when they get close. This caused to go back and forth just to get rid of them. Another flaw is the amount of glitches. Usually they are usually small glitches like an animation not playing right but i ran into one glitch that stopped me from completing the level. Luckily they do give the option to restart the level by clicking on the trash can on the top left when you are on the pause screen but it is still annoying regardless.

Despite all these flaws I think Bulb Boy is still a great game. The artstyle is amazing and most of the puzzles are fun to solve. The controls are smooth and responsive, the character designs are great and the way they present story and character is really good. The glitches definitely do bring it down a bit. Especially the really big one that can cause you to lose progress. My final rating for the game is a 8/10.

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