This game won't rot your brain | Teen Ink

This game won't rot your brain

January 24, 2020
By johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
johnathan.C SILVER, Sacramento, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." Master Ugwe

Have you ever wondered how it is to be in a counterterrorist unit. Rainbow six siege can let you experience some of what the real counterterrorism units deal with from a day to day basis. 


If you are interested in a 5v5 game that makes you feel like you are really going to die or that you can clutch and win for the boys. When you find the right people to play with you'll never want to stop playing. There are many operators to play as it all just depends on your play style. 


Imagine it ́s you and your friend then you hear on your headphones or speaker ̈one friendly remaining.¨ and your palms start getting sweaty knowing that it's just you left against 1 other operators. You start to turn up the volume so you can hear more and you look around every corner as if you are really in the situation. Then while you are looking around a corner there it is you start to hear footsteps coming from behind you take a look around paying attention to your surroundings there is a time limit and you forget that it was counting down you look at it and see there is only 30 seconds left you´re not near the objective. You being the hunter looking for the enemy soon realize that you are being hunted and must find the enemy or go to the objective. Hearing the sounds of footsteps in front of you. You aim and just in the beginner luck you one tap him in the head. The boys say you're a god and all you hear is your heart pounding. Thats what it feels like to play the game.


The game encourages communication and build reaction times. The different operators can affect how the game will start and end. There are players that want to be fast and not in the objective they are referred to as roamers then there are players that are slow and want to play the objective staying in side and waiting for the enemy to push and make it in. 

With what is going on in the world right now, it's interesting getting to feel the pressure of what the counterterrorism unit matter if you don’t want to know what they do then you could just play the game and get addicted to it no matter what happens. 

The author's comments:

I have been playing this game since it came out and I still enjoy playing the game because it's always a different game everytime.

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