MiaUnwritten | Teen Ink


West Palm Beach, Florida
Member for 13 years


I'm just another teen girl

Books: Anthology of Italian Poetry, Coeur Grenadine (French Book), La couleur du Bonheur, Danse avec moi
Music: Year of 4, My world 2.0, Ciara: The evolution, B-Day
Movies: Mr. and Mrs Smith, The Wanted, The Notebook, Dirty Dancing
TV Shows: Pretty Little Liars, Secret Life of the American Teenager, Make it or Break it, Vampire diaries
Interests: Write, Read, Play video games, soccer, and basketball, Sleep

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

By MiaUnwritten GOLD
West Palm Beach, Florida
MiaUnwritten GOLD, West Palm Beach, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Let the eyes seek what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes judge what the mind cannot<br /> Let the eyes believe what the mind failed to&quot;

Jerk MAG
By Christina BRONZE
Clifton, Virginia
Christina BRONZE, Clifton, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 26 comments
fallinglikesnowx SILVER, Creston, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 16 comments
Joanna Loewenstein BRONZE, Ridgewood, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
iPonder GOLD, Elk Grove, California
14 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
The bad things happen first,then the good things, then more bad things, then more good things: God helps us through the bad things so we can enjoy the good ones. :)

Leaves MAG
By Elizabeth Ridolfi SILVER
Auburn, California
Elizabeth Ridolfi SILVER, Auburn, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By bluemagnet22 PLATINUM
Dearborn Hts, Michigan
bluemagnet22 PLATINUM, Dearborn Hts, Michigan
24 articles 16 photos 644 comments

Favorite Quote:
You were born an origanal why die a copy?The secret to success is the consistency to pursue.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.To receive the right answer,you must ask the right question.Don&#039;t worry be happy! :)

By icefaerie10111 GOLD
Exeter, Rhode Island
icefaerie10111 GOLD, Exeter, Rhode Island
12 articles 8 photos 25 comments
By AndresVaamonde SILVER
New York, New York
AndresVaamonde SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;We are the bright new stars born of a screaming black hole, the nascent suns burst from the darkness, from the grasping void of space that folds and swallows--a darkness that would devour anyone not as strong as we. We are oddities, sideshows, talk show subjects. We capture everyone&#039;s imagination.&rdquo;

By shunflower GOLD
Shamong, New Jersey
shunflower GOLD, Shamong, New Jersey
18 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
I&rsquo;m seventeen and I&rsquo;m crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane.