Empty | Teen Ink


December 3, 2013
By gcw23 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
gcw23 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I never knew much about the day of the accident. I mean, I was only four. All I know is that my parents are gone, forever, and I can't do anything to bring them back. The only thing I can do is find out as much as I can about there death, so maybe I won't feel as empty and just confused.
I don't understand why my foster parents had to hide this from me? Did they think I was too stupid to ever find out? Or maybe they thought the death of my parents would be "too much for me to handle". Either way, I ended up finding out about their deaths.
It was about a week ago. I was trying to find my some old family photos up in my room while I was in the attack, and I came across an antique looking chest, about the size of a shoe box. I opened to find a picture of me when I was four, with two adults, but they weren't anyone I knew. I flipped over the photo and written in a black ink pen said, "Vivian with Mom and dad at the zoo, 2002". My heart stated to race, bu that only wanted me to to keep digging through the chest. Then, I pulled out a folded newspaper clipping of an obituary from 2002. I found two names circled in black that said, "Jack and Marilyn Simmons" and "survived by their daughter, Vivian". My heart started to beat even faster until tears started to stream down my face. "Who am I?" I cried.

The author's comments:
This piece is about Vivian who feels there is a part missing in her life every since her parents' death. her adopted parents have hidden this all from her throughout her whole life. She has no idea how her parents died. All she wants to know is how and why. It's up to her to find out.

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