Election Essay | Teen Ink

Election Essay

March 17, 2014
By Anonymous

What is the best part of Westlake High School? Every school has its great, and not so great, attributes. Westlake is four, soon to be five, years old. The traditions that we have established are phenomenal. The ones that we have, such as our “Thunder Alleys”, our “Stuff the Jar Night”, “Son of Thor”, “Thor’s day”, etc., bring the school together and create an involved and united atmosphere. Though we have awesome traditions already, there are so many more that Westlake would benefit immensely from. The best part of Westlake High School is the potential for greatness. We are already great, but we are fortunate enough to be leaders in the first 5 years of Westlake’s establishment and create lasting traditions. This is my hope and goal if I am elected. I have experienced and have seen how great a place high school can be if there are traditions. I get very excited to be able to be a part of that evolution, and I hope that I get the opportunity.
One thing that I feel strongly about is that if student council is respectable, enthusiastic, and involved, then others will join in and have the same attitude. With this in mind, one of the activities that I feel would bring great unity to Westlake, is to have student council host a juice and muffin breakfast for the teams and clubs that make it to State tournaments or qualify for a big event. Each state participant would be excused from 1st period the morning of, or before state (or their big event) to go down to the location of the breakfast. This would give student council a chance to serve the students at Westlake and also get to know them as we talk and eat muffins together. Parents would definitely be invited as well to create unity on a community level as well. I think this would be a great way to become friends with so many students and see all the different talents that we have at Westlake.
What is leadership? I would like to focus on good leadership instead of leaders in general. There are many leaders who have power, but do not use it in the way that is best. The leadership I want to talk about is positive leadership. Leadership is an action word. To me, leadership means service. A good leader does not feel above everyone else. They look for the good in others and in less fortunate situations. They take the initiative, work hard and do their best. If I could sum up a good leader in three words, those words would be: Hard-worker, selfless, and genuine.
Being a part of student council means that you are in it to help the school be the best it can be by doing your best. Not only are you in it for the school; more importantly, you are in it for the students that are at the school. Making sure that they feel included and safe. Caring about the students and talking to them, saying hi and being friendly, and making sure they feel like they have a friend in you. That is what it means to me to be on student council.
Overall, I love Westlake. It really is a great place to go to school and I hope that I can have the opportunity through student council to continue to make it even better!

The author's comments:
I decided not to run for student council, but I still love my school and feel passionate about these things that I have written.

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