Educator Of The Year | Teen Ink

Educator Of The Year

November 19, 2019
By masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator Of The Year

From day one, school has been grueling, frustrating and just not my thing.  Every morning I wake up and dread going to school. From not doing well in art class to not getting one sticker in elementary math class, there was nothing that motivated me in the world of school. It seems that life in school never went my way.

  With that being said I have never had anyone give me the help that I need.  That was until I met Mrs. Hassler sitting in the back of my class with a smile on her face the first day of school.  Mrs. Hassler was the teacher in my math class junior year for geometry. I didn't know how the year was going to go because I couldn't remember the last time I passed a math course, but I also didn't know about the support she was going to give me, and it was a great surprise.

After I did poorly on a quiz or a test, Mrs. Hassler would have me come into her room to do test corrections, so I could understand what I did wrong and how to fix it.  

I felt thankful for all she did for me and all that she helped me accomplish. It had been a long time since I passed a math class and going into my exam, knowing I would pass with a C, was something I knew we had done together. It was a great feeling.   

After I passed the geometry course, I had a better attitude going into my school year. I had a new confidence that math was going to be manageable and I would be able to do just fine next year.  Then my mom told me I had to take Algebra in summer school to play football in college; this would be my fourth time taking this class and I started to worry again.

  I had morning workouts before summer school which made the workout the best part of my day, if that says anything.  I started off well in the class. I passed the first test, and I remember thinking 4th time's the charm, but I was in for a brutal surprise.  

Things started to go down hill at a dangerously fast rate, as I failed test after test. We had either a quiz or a test every single day, and I just couldn't keep up.

 Mrs. Hassler let me come into her summer school class and went over my old tests and quizzes so that I would actually get it.  After her class was over and all the kids were done, she was done for the summer, but not really. Mrs. Hassler came back the next day to help me understand what I was about to be quizzed on, and I learned more working with her than I did in all four of my algebra classes.  

After all of the help that I received from Mrs. Hassler, I was able to use what I had learned to pass the course. I was finally be eligible for college football, and I couldn’t have done it without her.

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