Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2014
By k.m.strueb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
k.m.strueb GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    “Hello, hello and welcome!” booms a loud but friendly voice. It was my first time at Betsy Anderson’s home and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I was pretty nervous on the first night of the Bible study, but Betsy made me feel as if her home was mine.

See, Bob and Betsy Anderson host and lead a youth group for high school students. The youth group is held on Wednesday nights during the school year. I am one of the hundreds of students who have attended throughout the years.

    Betsy is short (at least she looks that way to me) and she has big, brown hair. Not only does Betsy teach the Bible for high schoolers, but she is also a second grade teacher at Greenland Elementary. She also has three kids, David, Peter, and Heidi, but they are all grown up now.

    Betsy is always patient, kind, and, although she may not look it, she is very wise. Her advice is as helpful as a scalpel in the hands of a skilled doctor. I have learned more in her house than I could’ve ever predicted. Most importantly, I have learned about being nice and loving others. Betsy always tells me I need to show others I care about them and I can make a difference in their lives. She has inspired me to always try and put a smile on everyone’s face.

    Betsy truly cares for each one of us and it shows. She is as loving as a loyal dog. Betsy pays individual attention to each student. I for one, have gone to see her many times outside of the group and each time she talks to me about any problems I have. She once took me to Qdoba and bought me dinner, and we talked about my problems. More specifically, she talked with me about how shy I was because it bothered me. She helped me to be more outgoing. Now, I can talk to anyone, and I am not afraid to be myself. Betsy has encouraged me to be friendly, outgoing, and strong in my faith. Basically, Betsy is like my guidance counselor, and I know we will stay connected far after high school.

Betsy is excited to have kids come over to learn. She always smiles and listens. And at the beginning of the night each week, a student (usually me), asks if there’s any new people or any birthdays during the week. If there is, we give them candy and a welcome or a birthday song to make them feel wanted and eager to come back. Teens are always excited to go over to the Anderson’s house every Wednesday; I can tell because most don't leave until it gets too late.

I still remember being that timid girl walking into the Anderson household for the first time. Now, with Betsy’s help, I am a friendly, forgiving, fearless young lady.

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