Letter to Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to Veteran

January 4, 2019
By emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
emilycathryn SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

Last May I had the opportunity to watch a showing of the Honor Flight movie. My AP Government teacher offered extra credit if we went. Little did I know I would gain much more than extra credit. After the showing was over I wished I had tissues because my eyes were full of tears. Some of the veterans who starred in the movie had come to the showing, and were staying after so people could talk to them. At the time I couldn’t formulate something to say to them, but eight months after I think it is time for a long overdue thank you.

It is an honor to be able to write to you and share my gratitude for your service. I feel your selflessness and sacrifice has not been acknowledged as much as it should be. Your selflessness does not go unnoticed by me, and I admire it greatly. It is the characteristic of a true hero. The sacrifice you made for this country is very admirable. A quality I look up to. I sincerely thank you for your commitment and honor to this country. I hope today gives you a welcome home that honors you the way you should have been honored years ago.

From the Honor Flight movie I learned how much an opportunity like this means to a veteran like you. Getting to see a monument dedicated to yourself and your fellow veterans, I can’t imagine the pride you must feel. And though I am not able to be with you on this special day, I am writing to tell you how much I truly do appreciate your service. The amount of mental and physical strength it must have taken to make such a grand sacrifice like you did for this country is unimaginable.

My name is Emily and I am a senior at Arrowhead High School. I am beyond grateful to be writing to you. Thank you for modeling what true hero is. I hope you had an incredible trip. God bless you, and welcome home!



The author's comments:

I wrote this to a Wisconsin veteran who is going on an upcoming Honor Flight. 

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