Delicious Blended Drink | Teen Ink

Delicious Blended Drink

October 2, 2018
By cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
cz20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am on the ladder trying not to look down, staining the siding with my dad. The sun glistens and I say, “We should go in the house for lunch.”

Inside the house, my mom fixes lunch and we started to eat with my other two brothers. After, I suggest we make homemade ice cream shakes.

My family says, “yes!” with excitement.

After I get the ingredients out, my mom puts the shake together. I enjoy making these shakes with my mom because with teamwork, we can get them done quickly. We had just enough for everyone.

My dad says, “that tasted amazing.”

When I taste that chocolate shake, it makes me want more.

These shakes make my day. We can make these shakes often which brings our family together.

After eating, we jump back to work, trying to beat winter.

Even though I did not enjoy working on the house, I wanted to get it done so we did not have to do it next summer. That delicious shake grants me the right mindset to want to get work done.


Delicious Blended Drink


Fill blender ¾ tall of whatever ice cream you want.
2 cups of milk.
Couple drops of vanilla.
3 spoonful of sugar.
Mix M&Ms (Optionial)


Whip cream.
Chocolate Hershey's Syrup.


Fill blender ¾ tall of whatever ice cream you want.
Add 2 cups of milk.
Add a couple drops of vanilla.
Add 3 spoonful of sugar.
Mix M&Ms (Optionial)
Add whip cream, chocolate syrup, and sprinkle sugar on top.

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