Giving Full Effort | Teen Ink

Giving Full Effort

January 6, 2019
By Anonymous

I believe that you should give your full effort even if you aren’t very good at that activity or hobby. Some people don’t need to show effort because they are just naturally gifted but most people have to show full effort.

Back in 7th grade, the Nagel blue basketball tryouts were just about to begin to start and we had some open gyms and to be honest I was not anywhere near the top talent pool of players. I had told my grandpa that, but what he told me was “just put forth full effort and good things will come”.

Tryouts were now in full swing and I was diving on the ground for the ball, grabbing rebounds and doing whatever I could do to come back for the final day of tryouts. The coach had to decide between me and another kid at my position, it was weird he just kept looking at us. Both of us didn't know what to think of it, then he made the decision to keep both of us for the last day.

I was so excited and when I walked out of the gym I began yelling “YESSS!!”                          4

When I returned for the final tryouts everyone was just looking at me like why are you here? Then at that point, I had decided I was going to leave everything on the court. Once the tryouts were done he was calling names for letters and when he said “Grady Martin” I could feel my hard bounding if this was life or death. Once I open my letter a huge side of relief came over knowing that my effort had paid off as my grandpa said from the start.

My grandpa ended up having a heart attack about two months later and I didn't know if he was going to make it through but what I kept telling myself is that he is going to fight for his life. Which he ended but doing but he would still have a long road ahead.

Effort is something that most people don't put forward but, when you do then many things will open up and change your life, I believe you should always give full effort.

The author's comments:

That this piece took place back when I was in the 7th grade trying out for my middle school basketball team

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