sacramento my home | Teen Ink

sacramento my home

January 11, 2019
By Anonymous

My Sacramento


My sac is beautiful place with nice roads.There schools or amazing so green.There's no homeless people.The police do there job help people.stop people from robbing banks and stores.And the schools have no fights the food is safe.downtown is the best place to go it smells like fresh air.


Well everything was a lie what i just said.The other day i saw a crackhead outside foodmaxx.lots of ppl in gangs No one really lives downtown.I hear police and fire trucks ringing.I smell fire.go to the park i see a broke slide and rusty swings.i walk to basketball practice and see hella bums.Street or ghetto and people got financial.there's no food trucks or events u thought wrong about sac.My school basketball gym has scratchies on or floor trash under bleachers. Torn up nets at basketball parks.


What needs to be fixed is the schools.The government is not doing anything.The my school has rotten apples in a bag.It's hard to get a job u can see plenty of homeless people.Sacramento needs someone to clean up parks and streets.They need to fix burbanks courts.

THis place trash don't come here u not gonna find a job.

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