My Summer Break | Teen Ink

My Summer Break

May 17, 2019
By sophiegallagher1 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
sophiegallagher1 BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm and sticky June morning; we woke up at 9:00 am to my mom yelling at me from the bottom of the steps to get ready to leave to go to get Kennedy - she is one of my closest friends. We have known eachother since 3rd grade and have been friends since- and get to my lake house in Kentucky. We had a lot of fun on the drive down there. When we got kennedy she says “0 hours down and 4 more to go” and we all laughed a little bit. We all listened to music in out headphones and then used the AUX cord and jammed the rest of the way there. My dad kept saying to kennedy -because she had never been to the lake with us before- “ you see that house “- kennedy said- “yah”  “yah that's not it”. She started laughing.

We had a lot of fun tubing, swimming, and cliff jumping. But what made it more fun was when my neighbors they got on the tube with us -they are twins and are 6. There names are Austin and Elliott - they are not scared to fall off so my dad was trying to get all of us off. But then the twins got off the tube and my dad was whipping us all over the place. Me and Suzie and Kennedy were screaming and trying to hear the music coming from the boat He was trying to get us off into the water by hitting other peoples wakes and zig zagging but he couldn't get us off. But then we did a circle on suzie's side and Suzie and kennedy fell off and I was slipping hand i was holding the handles on one side and my body was off on the other side of the tube in the waster and the tube was folded.

We also jumped off the cliffs and the water was down and so the cliffs were a lot higher and we jumped off the highest one but kennedy was scared for a second then she just jumped. But when we got back we got on the rino and drove it around the neighborhood and we took turns. It was also my birthday and we had the poker run. That's when we pay to pay a bunch of fun games and you have the chance to win a lot of money if you win but at the very end there is a big firework show they do at the ramp of the lake.

But the next day was my 14th birthday and we had pancakes and the were so good my mom made them into the shape of 1 and 4. We also had cake that night it was my favorite. We had vanilla cake with vanilla icing with candles with a 1 and a 4 and it had rainbow sprinkles. It melted in our mouths. Then the next day we drove home and that's it we had a great time and i totally would want to take her again because she is really fun to be around.           

The author's comments:

im 14 and i am a twin 

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