2021 kindness contest | Teen Ink

2021 kindness contest

November 22, 2021
By ltprobst04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ltprobst04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One act of kindness I remember is when I helped a man get a cart of heavy boxes he was moving into the entrance to the mall.  Me and my mom were in the car leaving the mall and she spotted a man with a huge cart heading towards the doors.  My mom insisted I go help the man get the cart through the doors.  I agreed and got out of the car to help the man with the cart.  I got to the man and said I would hold the door for him.  The man pushed forward with me holding the door for him.  “Thank you” the man said after getting the cart through the door.  “You're welcome,” I replied, running back to my mom’s car.  When I got back to my mom’s car, my mom said thank you for helping that man out with the cart.  Eventually, we leave the mall and drive back home.That is one act of kindness I will never forget. 

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