Wisconsin | Teen Ink


May 24, 2023
By Anonymous


The petrichor smell fills up around the house. “Come dance with me; It's the first rainfall of spring,” I exclaim with enthusiasm in my voice, pulling Anthony’s arm toward the door while grabbing Daisy’s leash. Daisy’s tail is wagging, tongue out, jumping around. She knows good things are about to happen. I open the door and Daisy bursts out first heading towards the front yard. I follow her with my hand wrapped around Anthony's arm dragging him with. 


It's 20 degrees out, bundled in thick warm coats, cozy hats, wrapped up in scarves ready to see the city Christmas lights, arm in arm with my mom walking around downtown Milwaukee exploring all the bright and beautiful Christmas lights twinkling in the breeze. The streets are ablaze with color, lightening up downtown Milwaukee. The rich smell of hot chocolate and freshly roasted coffee is wafting from Colectivo Coffee Company in the Third Ward. Watching the faces around me lighten up from enjoyment and excitement for this time of year. For this is the time family and friends spend together with their kids, creating traditions and memories to last for future generations.   


“Are you okay?” 

I put my thumb up.

“Let's go again.”

As the boat wraps around I think, I love Wisconsin. 


“Yeah.” I swim toward the gigantic blue floating tube and pull myself up. As the boat starts to gain speed. I tighten my grip. Thinking… I'm so ready, I'm going to hold as tight as I can and I won't fall off. Going full speed now and making giant loops around the lake, I start to wonder if I can really hold on tight? Next minute I know the tube is completely vertical. I'm holding on for dear life. I can feel like my arms are getting tired and my grip is loosening. As I'm screaming my head off, I try to pull myself up a little more and tighten my grip so I don't fall off. 

It was getting late so the boat slowed down and headed towards the boathouse. I stand on the tube trying to balance. Like I can walk on water. But I fell down into the water. My cousin and I went swimming for 30 more minutes, splashing each other, jumping off the pier, and playing marco polo. 

“Come on kiddos, it's time to get out.”

As me and my cousin were walking up to the house my stomach was rumbling. 

“Can we get some culvers, mom!” I yell. 

“Sure,” my mom responded firmly. 

We get to the top of the hill huffing and puffing.

“We need to get into shape,” my cousin says laughing.

“Agree,” I say, giggling. 


Red, orange, yellow. The vibrant colors fill people's yards and roads. Kids scream.

“You jump first then I go.” 

Kids switching off who jumps in the leaf pile. People riding bikes, walking their dogs.  So much Enjoyment in the air since it's cooler outside. 

“Finally it's sweater weather,” I say with gratification in my voice.  I’ve waited all year for sweater weather again, watching movies with blankets and cuddling your significant other. 

I walk outside, grab the basketball and start hooping.

“Can I join?” Brook asked.

“Me too,” Brianna responded.


I pass the ball to Brook who passes the ball to Brianna. I pick her up and she shoots…and she scores. The biggest smile on her could make someone's day. The pure happiness just filled up her body. The proudness she had on her face 

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