The moment of take off | Teen Ink

The moment of take off

December 13, 2023
By Happy_cyx BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Happy_cyx BRONZE, Beijing, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Perhaps the interpretation of diligence and dedication does not require lengthy discussions and remarkable achievements, but only a single moment.                                                             — Epigraph
Countless unforgettable moments exist in one's lifetime. Farewells, for example, are filled with silent gazes and tears streaming down as loved ones depart. Reunions, on the other hand, are marked by the first words spoken by elders during the annual homecoming: "You've grown taller again." Though simple in language, these words are brimming with deep affection. Similarly, the moment when one receives excellent grades after a semester of hard work fills them with excitement and contentment. One of the moments that had a profound impact on me was witnessing my father's plane take off.
My father is a pilot, and he approaches his work with utmost seriousness and diligence. Our house is located near the airport, and from the top floor, we have a clear view of the entire runway. Therefore, observing planes taking off and landing became one of my daily interests.
It was a weekend when I happened to learn that my father would be flying a scheduled flight, set to depart at 5:25 a.m. the next morning. This sparked my desire to witness his takeoff, and so I eagerly anticipated the moment.
Finally, the alarm clock on the second day pulled me back from my dreams. I opened my groggy eyes; got dressed; grabbed my wireless radio, radar, and telescope; and headed up to the rooftop. The early morning sky was filled with the scent of autumn, as a gentle breeze brushed my cheeks. Playfully tousling my hair, the autumn wind carried a touch of coolness. The distant sun had not yet risen, but its warm yellow glow illuminated everything in sight. I reveled in the pleasant atmosphere of an autumn day. Before long, my father's aircraft appeared on the radar. The radio crackled, and I heard my father's magnetic and deep voice. It was calm and serene, like a windless sea: tranquil and profound. "X Flight XX-XXXX, waiting at runway 36R," the radio said. "X Flight XX-XXXX, surface wind 250 degrees, 3 meters per second, cleared for takeoff on runway 36R," the air traffic control responded. At that moment, the sun suddenly leaped from the horizon. With an anxious heart, I watched as the poised 737-89L aircraft prepared to take flight.
The serenity of the morning was shattered by the roar of the engines. The plane raced forward, defying the gravitational pull from the Earth, as its engines roared in defiance. Ultimately, it triumphed over the force of gravity, soaring into the vast and free sky like an arrow released from its bow. In this moment of takeoff, the sacred morning sun baptized the pure white aircraft, while a few blush-colored clouds adorned the scene. Instantly, the plane became coated in a brilliant golden hue. "X Flight XX-XXXX, contact departure Beijing XXX.XX, goodbye" (air traffic control). "Contacting departure XXX.XX, goodbye" (my father) - a dialogue resounded. As I lowered the telescope, the aircraft vanished into the skyline, becoming nothing more than a speck in the sky.
In that instant, my father's image loomed large in my mind. I could almost see him at work. Deep-set eyes, full of vigor and determination, gazed attentively at the various parameters on the instrument panel. Occasionally, he would glance out the window, muttering words to himself: 80 knots...V1...rotate...gear up...V2. With one hand calmly and steadily maneuvering the controls, his strong and powerful hands precisely controlled the throttle, ensuring a stable climb rate.
For someone with thousands of hours of safe flying experience, this was merely another ordinary takeoff, repeated countless times. Yet, he treated it with the same seriousness and dedication as if it were his first and only flight. He fulfilled his duty because he understood that the lives of over a hundred people onboard depended on him. His every action and decision concerned the safety of everyone onboard and carried the longing of loved ones at the departure point and the expectations of loved ones at the destination. As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, and he had the conviction, obligation, and ability to fully take responsibility for each mission he undertook.
Mr. Liang Qichao, a noted ideologist in China, once said, "Goodness should always come first." The true essence and highest level of dedication lie in fulfilling one's duties with diligence and responsibility. In that moment of takeoff, the notion of diligence and responsibility was vividly displayed.
At that moment, I deeply realized that my father's diligent work exemplified being responsible for his job. My own earnest pursuit of knowledge is a preparation for becoming an important pillar of the nation in the future. For the construction of the country, every individual must fulfill their duties diligently. As the rising sun of our motherland, let us be responsible for everything we do, whether big or small. We don't need to achieve grand feats; instead, we should embrace being modest, diligent, and responsible, as diligent as my father, and faithfully fulfill our obligations, making ourselves useful to the future of our country and society.
At that moment, the brighter sunlight illuminated the earth, and another plane soared into the sky.

The author's comments:

I am a plane enthusiast and this work was finished in the night after I watched my dad piloting the plane to take off. I think sometimes, it is those small moments that will give you the true and profound inspiration in life.

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