Running Out of Time | Teen Ink

Running Out of Time

September 24, 2013
By Joey26 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Joey26 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So much time wasted. Seconds go by. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, so much time I have had and all I could think to do with myself was to wait. Waiting for an opportune moment to present itself to me, but I learned now that you need to make your own beginnings in this life, you need to make your own discoveries, your own adventure, making the first step to take that chance and risk it, because no matter how much time you have in this world, whether you have had an amazing life filled with excitement, one that has been filled with sorrow, or one that has felt nothing. Maybe you are all of these and experienced your life like this, it’s not always a choice for most people,the ones with sorrow or regret, but there is something thats always made me feel good when I first heard this. No matter what your life is actually like, no matter what has happened in your past, good or bad, remember you choose what happens next, how you live your life is up to you and the world is full of opportunities. Learn from what happened in the past and use that in the present and the future. Don’t make the same mistake twice. Don’t make the mistake I’ve made all these years and just wait for something thats not coming, you have to go to that dream and make it a reality. Even if it does fail you will not have to wait anymore and worry of what could have been and then you can finally move on. However, if you do go for your heart’s desires make sure it is something worth taking the risk whatever it may be. For love, education, protecting someone, traveling the world, or maybe just some personal goal you set for yourself, just make sure it’s worth the risk, and if it is, go for it.

For your education, try your best or at the very least put somewhat of an effort into it so you can go to a nice university or community college to make your career. Also, make sure procrastinating is out of your agenda when it comes to this type of thing because it can either go great for you there or you can crash and burn big time. When it comes to protecting someone don’t wait on the sidelines for someone else to help them out. Instead do what you can in your best capabilities to resolve their problem without adding too much complications in the process, and if you don’t feel like you are up the task then find someone who is that can help, because if you don’t you might regret it later for just standing by.

Probably one of the most important examples I can relate this to is your journey, your adventure, your new discovery. This can be anything really, whatever it may be to you, remember that you shouldn’t wait and visualize and dream of what could be, when you should go out there to make it a reality of what can be. Make your wildest dreams come true if it is something you always fantasized yourself accomplishing or if it is something important to you and means a lot to you then don’t waste anymore time, and just go for it.

There are various reasons why you should not wait in this life because you only get to live your life on this world only once. I’m not sure what really happens when you die, a lot people say they do, but there is always that hint of doubt that keeps me guessing. What I’m trying to say though is that I don’t want to die with any regrets or leave the world with any unfinished business, I want to get everything accomplished as much as I can before I depart and shut my eyes for good. Relationships with your friends, family, and that special someone; Don’t wait to tell them how you really feel, especially the person who impacts you the most. I’m not saying you need to spill your guts out to them or find some newfound respect towards each other, just don’t take it for granted because they might not always be there, so enjoy the time you got, and for that special someone make sure if they are the one you don’t waste a second because if they are then they should be like the world to you. I’ve wasted so much time in my life, but now I finally realized that even though I may not go for all the opportunities that open up for me, I’m going for the ones that matter most to me and I’m not wasting another second.

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