Brock | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By ThugNasty BRONZE, Roy, Utah
ThugNasty BRONZE, Roy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brock is sitting in his top bunk playing on his iPod. Suddenly he hears foot steps in the hall and mistakenly takes them for an intruder. He get nervous and attempts to leap off of his bunk bed, but his foot gets caught his blanket causing him to land face first on the ground. He is too flustered to even remember to put his hands in front of his face to catch himself. The rest his body falls to the floor after his face hits. He lies there for a minute in shock. He lets out a scream and his older sister comes running into his room. He stands up and starts to cry. “What happened!?” she yelled. “I just fell on my face but it was kind of funny,” He says with tears streaming down his cheeks and a bloody nose.

It’s not the most common thing to fall and land flat on your face, but this wasn’t the first time its happened to poor, ten year old, Brock. When he was about five years old, he was trying to get a cup out of his cupboard, which was way too tall for him to reach. Helpless and short, Brock climbs onto his counter and balances himself on his knees. He reaches up to open the cupboard when the cruel force of gravity starts to teeter his balance. Brock in his slippery pajamas falls and smacks his face flat onto the counter. He lost two teeth and chipped one. Luckily they were all baby teeth.

I guess you could say that Brock brought these bloody noses and broken teeth upon himself. It not like he is a dare devil but he also doesn’t quite make the smartest judgment calls. Jumping off the top of a bunk bed and getting on a counter in slippery pajamas are not the safest things in the world, but they’re also not too dangerous either. Brock doesn’t take very many risks or very dangerous ones, but the risks that he does take tend to turn out not that great. We can only hope that he will be more careful in the future, but it might take a few more black eyes and bloody noses to teach him his lesson. He is 10 now and his nose is still a little bruised and his new teeth grew in pretty messed up but at least he is able to joke about his pain.

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